Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Things to Consider When Outsourcing a Remote Staff Team

Remote Staff Outsourcing

Hiring is a crucial part of any businesses, every employee that will be hired will be a part of the success or failure of any company. That is why when hiring the right people there are certain criteria to filter which applicant will suit you best.

But today companies are starting to hire virtual staffs or considering remote staff outsourcing to build their teams. In countries that there are low workforce in the digital industry or high cost services, outsourcing is the best way to go. There are lots of startup businesses that offers outsourcing services to cater the needs for staffing.

What are the best practices when building a remote staff team?

      1. Consider your time difference

The difference in time is a factor to consider when you hire a remote staff, whether you consider it working with them at the same time or you would like your team to work on your projects while you sleep are some questions you need to ask for your business. Which will give your business a boost in productivity?

There are projects that needs you to be hands-on with your team, these are usually huge operations that requires you need to coordinate with them while they are doing the tasks. There are also some that does not need continues supervision like doing auditing and bookkeeping services in which you can leave your staff do the work while you are resting for the night.

Whatever will you choose, proper coordination and a good process will make things easier for you and also your staff. So come up with a clean flow of process to reduce conflicts between parties.

      2. Cultural differences can cause a spark

Offshore staffs comes from different places and different cultures, you cannot expect these teams to think like you, or will have the same nature on how you do your business or tasks. Make sure that when you choose which team to hire, consider also your culture differences and how your communication flows to remove confusions and issues. The best way is to avoid giving highly negative responses that could cause a problem in the future.

            There are always the proper way of communicating with people.

      3. Your remote staff team are not your slaves

These people have lives too as you are, don’t consider them as slave that you are just hitting them with work and more work that they would experience job burnout issue. Think of them also as a co-employee that you treat within your office. You can prevent employee burnout by giving compliments, rewards, vacations so that they will also have a time for their personal life and many other more things. Doing these will make a healthier relationship between you and your team.

      4. The turnover problem

Your employee today might not be your employee tomorrow, this is common with working with remote staffs outsourcing, and because they are not physically present they may easily fall off the board. But if you were able to manage them properly you can expect a long term team under your sleeve. Yet, have a backup plan, you may not know if there are any instances that you will encounter and you may not control.

      5. Utilize online resources

There are lots of online tools for remote teams that are being used nowadays, from task organizing, team management, project management, remote desktop monitoring, email support and many more other purposes, you can easily implement these stuffs to make your remote staffing work flow smoothly.

Hiring your remote staff may not be as easy as you think, it may be tedious at first, but after considering all the factors and never leave any stone unturned it may really be a great benefit for you and your company.

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